2022 Activities
Throughout 2022, the French Society of Dermatology, in partnership, with patient associations, hosted “online sharing days” where people with skin conditions can seek advice and guidance. In addition, they undertook a national multimedia campaign to raise awareness about skin health, reaching over 1.5 million people.
Throughout 2022, Beyond Suncare and Health Alert Organisation held albinism and sun protection workshops across Rwanda for people living with albinism (PWAs) and their families. Attendees also received sun protection kits, including sunscreen, hats and protective clothing.
In 2022, the Sri Lanka College of Dermatologists undertook a poster and leaflet campaign in schools and public offices to raise awareness about leishmaniasis, including how to prevent the spread of the condition and access treatment.
Throughout January, the Brazilian Society of Dermatology campaigned through social media to raise awareness of leprosy, inform people about its severity, and emphasise the need for early diagnosis and treatment. There were 990 mentions of the campaign online, and the campaign hashtags reached 12 million users.
19 – 23 January, Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, in partnership with Clinique Dermatologique, provided free skin checks and follow-up treatment to low-resource communities in Îles de Los, Guinea, to mark World Skin Health Day. They also hosted free workshops on various skin health issues during their online conference, open to healthcare professionals and students.
In April and December, Father Muller Medical College undertook two outreach sessions at a cashew nut factory in Mangalore, India. During these sessions, workers received free skin consultations, were treated for contact dermatitis and were given educational talks on how to protect their skin better when processing cashew nuts.
1 May 2022 – 31 May 2023, Standing Voice delivered two six-day practical workshops to train 24 health Professionals on the prevention and management of skin cancer among patients with albinism. The training workshops occurred in three districts in Southern Malawi (Blantyre, Phalombe and Mulanje).
Each workshop consisted of 1 classroom-based training day for a diverse group of stakeholders, including Dermatology Officers (DVOs), Medical Assistants (MAs), and other MoH professionals, and was followed by four days of practical training in a clinic setting and one minor surgery day for trainees to practise and hone the surgical skills they’d learnt. The workshops also provided 366 patients with albinism access to dermatological care, including a one-to-one consultation with a doctor, sunscreen, protective clothing and health education. Where necessary, patients received cryotherapy, a minor surgical operation, or, if more advanced cancer was identified, a referral to a central hospital for treatment.
6 – 14 June, the Malagasy Society of Dermatology held scientific presentations and free workshops on atopic dermatitis, attended by global policy leaders, healthcare professionals, students and Malagasy Ministry of Health officials. They also undertook an outreach clinic in an underserved rural community in southern Madagascar, offering free dermatological care and treatment. They treated 303 patients in total.
23 July, the Dermatological Society of Singapore organised a virtual public forum to educate people about the skin conditions acne, rosacea and maskne.
12 – 13 September, the Ibero-Latin American College of Dermatology provided dermatological training to 120 general practitioners, nurses and medical students in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. They also hosted an outreach clinic in Barahona, Dominican Republic, and treated over 1,200 patients.
Throughout October, the Brazilian Society of Dermatology undertook a multimedia campaign to raise awareness about psoriasis and access to health services.
In October, Dermalawi, in partnership with the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, provided skin health awareness lectures and meals for rural, underserved communities, raising awareness on the importance of skin health, focusing on pellagra in particular and how it can be prevented using nixtamalisation.
5 October, the Association of Dermatovenereologists of Uzbekistan held a series of lectures on skin care for doctors and medical students.
14 October, the Australasian College of Dermatologists participated in a Speak My Language podcast aiming to empower people in different communities to access skincare and professional dermatology services.
27 – 29 November, the Chilean Society of Dermatology and Venereology undertook a national skin cancer awareness campaign comprised of sun awareness workshops, interactive video capsules, free skin checks and multi-media messaging, including social media infographics, podcasts, articles and videos.
4 November – 7 December, the Philippine Dermatological Society held educational workshops on common skin conditions and self-management. They provided free skin consultations & follow-up treatment to 580 people from underserved communities in Bahay Kalinga, Valenzuela City, Bahay Kanlungan, Catanduanes and Gawad Kalinga. They also distributed free medications, ointments and creams to patients.
November – December, Wolaita Sodo University, in collaboration with the Dermatological Society of South Africa, ran a multimedia campaign to raise awareness and address misconceptions about atopic dermatitis and eczematous disorders in Ethiopia. They also provided dermatological training, common skin conditions and tropical neglected skin diseases to five general practitioners in Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia.
November 2022 – March 2023, the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU), Indonesia, in collaboration with award-wing photographer Yoppy Pieter, created an in-person and virtual exhibition documenting leprosy’s health and psychosocial burden through photographic images and organised a symposium on leprosy’s social and financial impact and other skin diseases in Indonesia. You can view the virtual exhibition here:
Throughout December, the Brazilian Society of Dermatology undertook a multimedia campaign to fight and prevent skin cancer, including television and radio broadcasts and online posts about skin cancer prevention and awareness.
In December, the Dermatology Nurse Association produced a flyer on healthy skin as part of World Skin Health Day, shared with member societies, affiliate organisations and healthcare providers across the United States. They also ran a national social media campaign on skin health, including tips on caring for your skin.
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