2019 Activities
Throughout February, Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (India)
Undertook its ‘Skin Safar Rath’ Campaign to raise awareness about skin hygiene and diseases across India, with a focus on leprosy and vitiligo. This included public seminars, press conferences and a multi-media campaign. This activity reached 4 million people.
6 April, Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (India)
Observed World Skin Health Day by raising awareness about the dangers of topical steroid misuse as part of its National Campaign, which included public seminars, press conferences and a multi-media campaign. This activity reached 3 million people.
1 – 4 May, German Dermatological Society (Germany)
Ran a stand at their annual congress to raise awareness about humanitarian dermatology with a focus on case studies in Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Tanzania.
11 May, Society of Dermatologists, Venereologists, and Leprologists of Nepal (Nepal)
Under the banner of World Skin Health Day, the SODVELON hosted rallies across Nepal to raise awareness about the importance of skin health for all.
13 – 17 May, Swiss Society for Dermatology and Venereology (Switzerland)
As part of World Skin Health Day and Euromelanoma, the SSDV/ SGDV held various activities, including screening clinics, a multimedia campaign and educational stands, across Switzerland to help treat and raise awareness about skin cancer.
25 May, Canadian Dermatology Association (Canada)
Recognised World Skin Health Day by issuing a press release on the importance of skin health and hosting a skin cancer screening event in Vancouver, British Columbia, where local dermatologists and dermatology residents screened members of the community, answered questions and distributed sunscreen and educational materials.
25 May, Chinese Society of Dermatology (China)
Skin Care Day included the departments of dermatology from more than 1,000 hospitals, where over 2,000 dermatologists treated more than 20,000 patients across China. This event also included public seminars and a multi-media campaign on skin health.
27 May – 1 June, Georgian Association of Photodermatology and Skin Cancer (Georgia)
Hosted screening clinics, public lectures and distributed leaflets and posters on the dangers of skin cancer and the importance of sun protection in three major cities (Tbilisi, Kutaisi, and Gori). They also ran a multi-media campaign about spotting the early signs of skin cancer and the importance of sun protection in association with the Pan-European campaign against skin cancer and melanoma – Euromelanoma.
1 June, Nigerian Association of Dermatologists (Nigeria)
Marked World Skin Health Day with a national campaign highlighting the dangers of skin bleaching/toning and the importance of sun protection. The campaign was disseminated across radio, television and social media channels. Public seminars and talks were also held at various hospitals, student campuses and marketplaces across Nigeria. This activity reached 2 million people.
Throughout July and November, Philippine Dermatological Society (Philippines)
Held Skin Health and Eczema Fairs across the Philippines, which included lectures, skin consultations and educational booths on common dermatological conditions.
17 – 24 July, Maltese Association of Dermatology and Venereology (Malta)
Launched their Beat The Burn Campaign, in collaboration with the Malta Medical Students’ Association, which raises awareness about the dangers associated with overexposure to the sun and the importance of proper sun protection through peer-led workshops for children and young adults.
29 August, Association of Dermatovenereologists of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
Provided free consultations, distributed educational material (brochures, leaflets and pamphlets) on common conditions in Central Asia as well as sunscreen and moisturising cream. There were also public workshops on how to perform self-examinations, what to look for, how to protect and care for the skin.
30 September, Italian Society of Dermatology (Italy)
Hosted a CME training course on atopic dermatitis and skin cancer.
30 September, Philippine Academy of Dermatologic Surgery Foundation (Philippines)
As part of its Medical and Surgical Mission, the PADSFI in partnership with the Filipino Department of Health hosted an outreach camp, where they provided free consultations, treatment and dermatological care to under-served communities in Barangay, Años, Los Banos Laguna, including free surgical treatments, overall health checks, and distributing medicine
11 October, Society of Dermatovenereologists, Dermatocosmetologists and Leprologists of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
Provided free consultations and skin checks to patients across several cities in Kazakhstan. This event primarily focused on Leprosy and included a flash mob to raise awareness about World Skin Health Day.
14 October, Australasian College of Dermatologists (Australia)
Developed a report in collaboration with dermatology patient support groups who represent patients with a range of skin conditions. These include eczema, psoriasis, gorlin syndrome, vitiligo, allergy and anaphylaxis, epidermolysis bullosa, melanoma & alopecia.
24 October, Philippine Academy of Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology (Philippines)
Provided free medical consultation, medical and surgical treatment, and distributed medicines to underserved communities in Bicutan Taguig City as part of their Annual Mission and in celebration of World Skin Health Day. They also gave away hygiene kits and food to attendees and patients as well as conducting public lectures on skin health and hygiene. In total, PACCD treated over 180 patients for a wide range of skin conditions and diseases.
25 October, Philippine Academy of Dermatologic Surgery Foundation (Philippines)
In partnership with the Filipino Department of Health, PADSFI held a one-day outreach clinic in General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite, Philippines. As part of this programme, they provided free consultations, treatment and dermatological care to under-served communities in this region, including free surgical and medical treatment, health checks, and medicine.
29 October, Brazilian Society of Dermatology (Brazil)
Undertook a wide range of activities, including a multimedia campaign, skin consultations and workshops, to help raise awareness and treat psoriasis across Brazil, particularly amongst under-served communities.
1 November, Dermatology Nurses’ Association (United States of America)
Produced a flyer on healthy skin as part of World Skin Health Day, which was shared with member societies, affiliate organisations and healthcare providers across the United States.
18 – 20 November, International Society for Dermatology (Philippines)
Provided free skin, hair and nail disease consultations, treatment and medicine for police personnel and retirees. There were also public lectures on skincare, fitness and wellness. Overall, this three-day activity benefited 1,049 people.
23 November 2019, Dermatological Society of Singapore (Singapore)
Held a Public Forum comprised of 14 talks (7 in Chinese and 7 in English). The talks covered various topics, including skin care, sun protection, skin cancer and hair loss, and the management of common skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. These talks were attended by 268 people and featured on local and national radio health programmes.
30 November, Dermatological Society of Malaysia (Malaysia)
In celebration of National and World Skin Health Day, the DSM raised awareness about skin disease and health through a wide range of activities, including public talks, skin consultations and checks as well as a community festival where members of the public received advice on psoriasis, eczema, adolescent skin health and how to check for moles. The festival included fun activities for kids and adults alike such as Zumba, treasure hunts and interactive games. The campaign was also broadcast and promoted on local and national media (tv and radio) channels.
Throughout December, Brazilian Society of Dermatology (Brazil)
Undertook a multi-media campaign as part of its efforts to fight and prevent skin cancer, which included television and radio broadcasts as well as online posts about skin cancer prevention and awareness. This was conducted in conjunction with free skin cancer screening clinics across Brazil. In total, the SBD reached over 2,345,788 people – 2,341,591 people were reached through a social media, television and radio awareness campaigns and 4,197 received dermatological care.
2 December, Serbian Association of Dermatovenereologists (Serbia)
Marked World Skin Health Day by providing free clinical and dermatoscopic exams to teachers and staff at Dusko Radovic Elementary School in Niš, Serbia. As part of this project, teachers were also taught about skin cancer, sun protection and how to identify moles which they were encouraged to share with their students, families and friends. In total, over 40 staff members received free training and dermatological care.
15 December, Bangladesh Dermatological Society (Bangladesh)
Raised awareness about World Skin Health Day through a wide range of activities including rallies, public briefings, talks, scientific seminars, and outreach clinics, where members of the public received free medical consultation and treatments. There were also festivities to mark the day, which were attended by the general public, health care workers, local and international celebrities. In total, the BDS helped treat over 500 patients and their activity reached many more.
18 December, British Association of Dermatologists (United Kingdom)
Raised public awareness about resources available for people living with skin conditions and diseases via their social media platforms, specifically the BAD’s A-Z of Patient Information Leaflets. These leaflets provide expert and impartial information on a range of conditions and treatments, which allows patients to learn more about their condition and advocate for themselves. The total reach of the BAD World Skin Health Day activity was 10,950 people.
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