2018 Activities
Throughout January, Brazilian Society of Dermatology (Brazil)
Undertook a wide range of activities, including a multimedia campaign, skin consultations and workshops, to help raise awareness and treat Leprosy across Brazil, particularly amongst underserved communities.
1 April, Society of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists of Nepal (Nepal)
Marked World Skin Health Day by organising health camps across medical colleges in Nepal. As part of this event, patients received evaluations and dermatological care.
6 April, Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (India)
Observed World Skin Health Day across India by holding several multi-media awareness campaigns, rallies, health education programme, and screening clinics, among many other activities.
14 – 18 May, Swiss Society for Dermatology and Venerology (Switzerland)
As part of World Skin Health Day and Euromelanoma, the SSDV/ SGDV held various activities, including screening clinics, a multimedia campaign and educational stands, across Switzerland to help treat and raise awareness about skin cancer.
25 May, Chinese Society of Dermatology (China)
Skin Care Day included the departments of dermatology from more than 100 hospitals all over China. There were consultations and skin health education sessions.
3 – 9 June, Canadian Dermatology Association (Canada)
The first and last day of Sun Awareness Week focused on World Skin Health Day. On 3 June, the Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA) released a poster on skin cancer and skin health. It closed its event with a skin cancer screening clinic on 9 June.
Throughout July and November, Philippine Dermatological Society (Philippines)
Held Skin Health and Eczema Fairs across the Philippines, which included lectures, skin consultations and educational booths on common dermatological conditions.
26 July, Nigerian Association of Dermatologists (Nigeria)
Provided food and skincare products to internally displaced people (IDPs) in Camp Durumi, Abuja. As part of this project, they also provided medical and dermatological care to IDPs.
17 August, Philippine Academy of Dermatologic Surgery Foundation (Philippines)
In partnership with the Filipino Department of Health, PADSFI held a one-day outreach clinic in General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite, Philippines. As part of this programme, they provided free consultations, treatment and dermatological care to under-served communities in this region, including free surgical treatments, overall health checks, and distributing medicine.
29 August, Australasian College of Dermatologists (Australia)
Celebrated World Skin Health Day via an online social media campaign named “Understand,” which sought to promote understanding of the physical, social and emotional challenges faced by patients with dermatological conditions.
24 September, Dermatology Nurses’ Association (United States of America)
Produced a flyer on healthy skin as part of World Skin Health Day, which was shared with member societies, affiliate organisations and healthcare providers across the United States.
1 October, French Society of Dermatology (France)
Launched an online dermatology platform that seeks to provide educational resources on a wide range of skin diseases and conditions, including neglected tropical diseases, to French-speaking dermatologists and other healthcare professionals.
11 October, Philippine Academy of Dermatologic Surgery Foundation (Philippines)
As part of its Medical and Surgical Mission, the PADSFI in partnership with the Filipino Department of Health hosted an outreach camp, where they provided free consultations, treatment and dermatological care to under-served communities in Barangay, Años, Los Banos Laguna, including free surgical treatments, overall health checks, and distributing medicine.
27 October, New Zealand Dermatological Society (New Zealand)
In conjunction with SkinCan NZ, ran a Skin Check Day in Canterbury, Christchurch, where patients were screened for skin cancer. It also helped raise awareness about skin cancer and sun protection among attendees.
27 October, Trinidad and Tobago Dermatological Society (Trinidad and Tobago)
Hosted their first annual skin cancer awareness and screening event in honour of World Skin Health Day. During this event, attendees received skin checks and were given information on sun protection.
14 November, Society of Dermatoveneologists, Dermatocosmetologists and Leprologists of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
Observed World Skin Health Day by hosting a wide range of activities and events, including a seminar and training course, consultations, and dermatological care for patients with existing conditions across several cities.
25 November, Indian Society of Teledermatology (India)
Hosted a one-day conference in Chennai with the theme of Refining and Redefining Skin Health, which was attended by practising dermatologists, residents, and the faculty of 10 local Post Graduate Institutes.
30 November 2018, American Academy of Dermatology (United States of America)
Shared info-graphics and healthy skincare tips to encourage awareness about skin health via social media, reaching more than 600 users.
1 December 2018, Brazilian Society of Dermatology (Brazil)
Undertook a multi-media campaign as part of its efforts to fight and prevent skin cancer, which included television and radio broadcasts as well as online posts about skin cancer prevention and awareness. This was conducted in conjunction with free skin cancer screening clinics across Brazil. In total, they reached over 5 million people.
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