2017 Activities
19 February, Indian Society of Teledermatology (India)
CME event with the theme of “Moving for improving”
31 March, Society of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists of Nepal (Nepal)
An awareness rally under the theme of “love your skin and be healthy”. More than 350 people took part.
May – September, The British Association of Dermatologists (UK)
Hosted various sun awareness initiatives throughout the summer
14 May, Dermatological Society of Malaysia (Malaysia)
National Skin Day: there was a ‘costume charity walk’ with many skin-related support groups.
20 May, International Society of Dermatology (Philippines)
Treatment and education about skin care for the patients in a government run facility.
25 May, International Society of Dermatology (Philippines)
Livelihood training for Hansen’s Disease patients of RITM Department of Dermatology
25 May, Chinese Society of Dermatology (China)
Skin Care Day included the departments of dermatology from more than 100 hospitals all over China. There were consultations and skin health education sessions.
5 June, Canadian Dermatology Association (Canada)
The first day of Sun Awareness Week focused on World Skin Health Day with a poster focused on health skin.
16 July, Philippine Dermatological Society (Philippines)
One day activity open to the general public which aims to increase awareness and disseminate information about Eczema and Skin Diseases.
28 July, ISD in partnership with the Philippine Academy of Dermatologic Surgery Foundation, Inc. (PADSFI) (Philippines)
Removal of Warts, Cyst and other Skin tumours in Los Baños
11 October, French Society of Dermatology (France)
Workshops to inform about clinical research careers and plenary sessions to provide information about skin diseases impact, research and innovation.
American College of Mohs Surgery (USA)
Ran a social media campaign with skin health messages
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