
2024 Activities


Volunteer your time on 8 July to offer skin checks at an NAFC (National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics) Clinic, a partner of CeraVe, to help increase access to dermatology resources in underserved communities.


Organised by Dr Isabel Casas, the Latin American regional event, will take place at San Martín de los Andes Hospital in Patagonia. Ten volunteer dermatologists from all around Argentina will provide free consultations and educational sessions alongside local healthcare workers to around 200 patients. The hospital’s waiting rooms will host presentations on primary care and skin conditions. In the evening, they plan to either conduct a photo-educational workshop for children at a local theatre or offer dermatological lectures for healthcare workers and students at the hospital.


Organised by ISD board member Dr Mary Thomas, the North American regional event will focus on patient and GP education about teen and tween skincare. This will have two parts: On 6 July, there will be an in-clinic talk educating parents and children about safe skincare practices and providing free dermatologist-approved skincare products. On 8 July, there will be an online forum (either pre-recorded or done on the day, to be determined) for GPs to ensure all healthcare providers can offer accurate information to their patients.


Organised by Dr Valeska Padovese, the European regional event will include visits to various migrant centres in Fgura and Hal Far throughout the day, offering talks on skin hygiene and distributing multilingual information leaflets. Food and beverages will be provided to attract participants, and free dermatological consultations and treatment will be offered. Cultural mediators and migrant NGOs will assist in mobilizing the migrant community, with posters placed in reception centres to inform residents about the event.


Organised by Standing Voice, the Africa regional event will be held at Mbeya Regional Referral Hospital in Southern Tanzania on 8 July, and it will act as the culminating event following a 10-day Skin Cancer Prevention Programme across the Mbeya region. The event will offer dermatology services to approximately 150-200 persons with albinism, including free skin screenings, treatments, health education, and sun protective items. It will be led by the Ministry of Health and coordinated by Standing Voice, with a plan to invite special guests from the MoH, create visibility materials and hire a photographer to document the event.


Organised by Dr Niraj Parajuli, the West/Central/South Asia regional event(s) will take place throughout Nepal, focusing on 5 main themes (the 5 “P’s”). The proposed events for each theme include: 1. Patient care: Throughout the week leading up to WSHD, outreach clinics will be set up at an orphanage in Kathmandu and in Karnali province to provide dermatological care to underserved populations, including an online consultative service for migrant workers and a visit to a leprosy centre. 2. Perception of Skin Diseases: Teachers in secondary schools in Kathmandu will be educated to recognise and support students with dermatological issues, while a program in Province 2 will address antifungal resistance with healthcare workers and doctors due to the high prevalence of dermatophyte infections. 3. People’s Awareness: Photobooths and information leaflets will be placed in hospitals across seven provinces, a national newsletter will highlight skin disease care, and adventure sports will be used for promotional imagery. 4. Partnership with Policy Makers: On 8 July, a meeting with stakeholders at the Ministry of Health and Population will discuss skin disease issues, including leprosy and cutaneous leishmaniasis outreach, with presentations from various organisations and a patient perspective included. 5. Promoting Collaboration, Communication, and Education: A Continuing Medical Education (CME) session will be held in Kathmandu for dermatology residents and professionals to highlight past achievements and the importance of World Skin Health Day.


Organised by the Australasian College of Dermatologists, the East Asia & Pacific event will be an online patient group forum, with the topics to be determined. One potential outcome of this forum/event will be the generation of a new report similar to their ‘More than Skin Deep: Skin diseases in Australia – navigating the Healthcare System’ report from 2019, which used patient experiences provided by patient support groups, to demonstrate and summarise the barriers to access, financial burden, stigma and discrimination they feel. This report was then used in discussions with government stakeholders and community engagement. Dr Stephen Schumack will be invited to talk at the forum to bring in the patient perspective on a global scale.


SOLIDERM, an initiative by the French Dermatology Society (SFD), aims to ensure permanent access to dermatological care through sustainable healthcare solutions. Detailed information is available on their dedicated webpage here. Awaiting more detailed information about initiatives/ activities.


1 -31 January, the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) held its “Purple January” leprosy awareness campaign to mark World Skin Health Day. The campaign featured educational videos, digital outreach, and family involvement for early detection and promoted free treatment via Brazil’s Unified Health System, enhancing community awareness and early disease identification. In total, they reached 4 million people across Brazil.


The Guinea Clinique Dermatologique, in collaboration with the Universities Mahatma Gandhi and La Source, conducted activities for World Skin Health Day (WSHD) from January 20 to 31, 2024, in Conakry, Guinea. They launched with a press conference, offered free skincare to over 700 people, primarily children, in Kindia, and hosted an international dermatology congress online (attended by 300 people, including governmental officials, WHO reps, residents, nurses, medical students and dermatologists). Their efforts focused on underserved communities, providing diagnoses, treatments, and education on dermatological health. The impact was significant, with hundreds receiving essential dermatological care and raising awareness of skin health issues.

In February 2024, the Mudug Poly Clinic held a dermatology outreach clinic in Galkayo, Puntland, Somalia, aimed at providing specialist skincare services to communities with limited access to healthcare. The event featured a team of dermatologists, nurses, and healthcare professionals who offered individual consultations to diagnose and treat various skin conditions such as rashes, acne, eczema, and potential skin cancers. Treatment options ranged from prescribing medications to advising on lifestyle changes, complemented by educational sessions on skin care, sun protection, and the early detection of skin cancer. The clinic also provided vital referrals for further specialised care and arranged follow-up appointments to ensure ongoing management. This initiative significantly enhanced local access to dermatological care, particularly benefiting those in underserved areas or with restricted resources.

Elixir Life Science Pvt. Ltd hosted a medical camp designed to disseminate vital health information and services through an online webinar on 2 February 2024. This camp aimed to reach a broad audience, offering essential medical advice and support through interactive sessions. These activities underscore the global commitment to advancing skin health, tailored to address unique challenges and opportunities in dermatology, aiming to improve skin care access, education, and outcomes globally.

From 13 to 18 May 2024, the Georgian Association of Photodermatology and Skin Cancer will conduct a series of awareness and free skin check-up events across Tbilisi, Batumi, and Kutaisi, Georgia. These activities will focus on raising awareness about skin cancer and melanoma, providing educational sessions, screenings, and consultations. The initiative aims to improve early detection and treatment of skin cancers, offering vital dermatological care and resources to the public in these locations.

To combat skin NTDs and mark WSHD, the Malagasy Society of Dermatology (SOMADER) will host a congress in Toamasina on 22-23 May, with Global Dermatology, and attended by the Madagascar Ministry of Health, WHO, ISD, and ILDS, dermatologists, epidemiologists and healthcare professionals. This event, featuring over 40 presentations in multiple languages, aims to enhance awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of skin NTDs. It will bring together international experts for knowledge sharing and collaboration. Following the congress, on 24-25 May, they will undertake outreach and provide free skin healthcare in local healthcare centres in Tamatave, focusing on chroblastomycosis and sporotrichosis. Grenoble’s mycology-parasitology laboratory’s participation underscores the initiative’s significance in addressing skin NTDs globally.

In recognition of World Skin Health Day and “525 Skincare Day,” the Chinese Society of Dermatologists (CSD)/China Dermatologist Association (CDA) is set to launch its “Amazing China Skin Health First” initiative on 25 May 2024. This comprehensive national effort will include three key components: interviews with dermatology experts online, themed activities, and a free clinic day. The initiative is designed to promote the proper understanding of scientific skincare, guide the public in effective skincare practices, and help prevent skin diseases. Across China, 700 hospitals and clinics will participate, reinforcing the commitment to improving Skin Health for All. 

On 6 July 2024, the Dermatological Society of Singapore (DSS) will host a public forum on skin health for approximately 400 members of the general public at a community centre in Singapore. The forum will cover common skin conditions in the paediatric and elderly age groups, skin cancers, common hair conditions, eczema, psoriasis, and common pigmentation problems. Interactive booths will also be set up, and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts they may have.

Dermosphere’s Initiative focuses on rural areas, hosting skin awareness camps on 7 & 8 July, 2024, in New Delhi. The aim is to elevate dermatological care and knowledge within underserved communities, emphasising preventive skin health practices and basic care to foster healthier communities.

On 8 July 2024, the Department of Biotechnology at MVN, JS & RVR DC, MKP College, will hold a guest talk by a renowned dermatologist in Andhra Pradesh, India. This educational event will cover various skin health topics, offering insights into common dermatological issues and their management. The event aims to improve the understanding and management of skin health issues among attendees, with detailed information on their website.

From 8 July 2024, Dalberg Media will undertake the “Re-Global Health” initiative, a journalistic project headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, to tell impactful global health stories to improve awareness and engagement on skin health issues. This initiative will include various activities and multimedia content to inform the public about pressing global health challenges involving global participation.

On 31 August 2024, the University of Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP) in Brazil will host “A Flor da Pele,” an event to promote information about dermatological conditions and treatments. This initiative will feature educational seminars, interactive sessions, and expert consultations to enhance public knowledge of skin health. The event will be accessible online via, allowing a broad audience to benefit from its resources.

In October, the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) will undertake a multimedia campaign to raise psoriasis, including television and radio broadcasts and online posts about identifying and managing the condition. 

In December, the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) will undertake a multimedia campaign to raise awareness about sun exposure and skin cancer, including television and radio broadcasts and online posts about skin cancer prevention and awareness. 


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